We scanned the 519 page submission. You can read them at www.paulzimmerman.hk. Or click here for the gist of the submission and here for the HKU presentation on 3 June 2021.
Nearby residents have formed working groups and engaged planners, architects and engineers. Whilst they support expansion of Hong Kong’s medical research and education facilities, they are deeply concerned over biosafety hazards, loss of green belt and traffic impacts. Importantly, they concluded that the renderings are "misleading" as the laboratory complex can’t be built as presented. They urge HKU to study alternative sites which are more suitable and safer, including properties already within HKU's portfolio.
我們將519頁的規劃文件掃描並放到 www.paulzimmerman.hk 供大家瀏覽。你亦可按連結瀏覽規劃申請摘要。港大於6月3日的電腦投影片:連結。
鄰近選址的居民成立多個工作小組,成員包括建築師、工程師及城市規劃師。他們認同香港有需要擴充醫學院及相關研究設施,但是他們對於生物安全、損失綠化地帶及交通問題等表示極度關注。最重要的結論是,他們認為港大提供的模擬圖片具有「誤導成份」:從工程學角度而言,香港大學根本不可能按照模擬圖片的設計,興建新實驗室大樓 。他們促請香港大學考慮其他更合適及更安全的選址,包括港大現有的土地及物業。
The online petition to the Town Planning Board lists 28 points covering:
- Failure to assess biosafety hazards and contamination risks
- Large green belt area will be destroyed
- Unlikely the scheme can be achieved - the proposal defies the laws of physics
- Victoria Road, Pok Fu Lam Road and Northcote Close unsuitable for construction access
- Lack of mass transport – MTR deemed the site too difficult
- High risk that environmental impacts will be greater than suggested
- Failure to offer a comparison of alternative sites (unallocated land or sites under HKU)
- In case the Board supports the Application it should require a Master Layout Plan for its approval
- 港大未有就生物安全及污染風險作出評估
- 大片「綠化地帶」會被摧毀
- 從工程學角度而言,香港大學根本不可能按照模擬圖片的設計,興建新實驗室大樓
- 域多利道、薄扶林道及羅富國徑都不是讓工程車輛進出該地盤的合適通道
- 缺乏鐵路連接 - 港鐵早前放棄同一選址興建瑪麗醫院站
- 最終對環境造成更大影響的風險為高
- 港大未有提供其他選址的分析
- 如城規會最終通過規劃申請,我們要求港大就項目提交總綱發展藍圖以供審批
Copy Of The Online Petition 網上聯署副本
Thank you for your support.