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The Chicago Booth - Hong Kong Campus (Ex-Victoria Detention Centre) 芝加哥大學布斯商學院香港校舍 - (前域多利道扣押中心(白屋))25/7/2016
Expected project completion date: First half of 2018
預計項目會於2018年初完工 More info: http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/tc/plan_application/Attachment/20150313/s16fi_A_H1_98_1_gist.pdf Thank you for your input. We have made the following submission to the Town Planning Board on 8 April 2015, together with the survey results and individual comments. 感謝各位居民提供意見。我們已去信城規會,當中包括調查結果及你們的意見。 The Chicago University will build an education facility at the Jubilee Battery heritage site along Victoria Road. They plan to redevelop the mess building and quarters which were more recently used as the Victoria Road Detention Centre. The Town Planning Board is reviewing the planning application (A/H1/98): http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/en/plan_application/A_H1_98.html
You may have views on the project. Let us know via our online poll. One question is whether the long white wall with barbed wire along Victoria Road should be retained as a heritage feature, or whether it should be removed to give people sight of the buildings and the sea beyond? We will submit the findings of our online poll to the Town Planning Board before the deadline (April 8). 芝加哥大學布斯商學院將於域多利道將於銀禧炮台原址興建分校。他們將會改建前域多利道扣押中心成為香港校舍。城規會現正處理該項目的規劃申請(編號A/H1/98):http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/tc/plan_application/A_H1_98.html 應該基於保育原因而保留圍牆?或是拆除圍牆/以玻璃代替圍牆,以便街外人士能清楚見到建築物及海景?我們現正進行網上意見調查,歡迎參與並發表意見。 我們會於截止日期4月8日前將調查結果遞交至城規會。 |
September 2023