域多利道近金粟街的休憩處今日啟用。這塊用地於90年代域多利道擴闊工程完成後一直未有永久用途。我們於2012年3月遞交地區小型工程項目申請表格,建議使用部分土地興建休憩處,而另一部分則改建為設有咪錶位的避車處。春秋二祭期間, 咪錶位範圍會變成巴士站以疏導車流。
The sitting-out area at Victoria Road near Consort Rise is now open. The proposal was submitted for District Minor Works in March 2012. The site had been laying idle since the widening of Victoria Road in the 90s. Half of the area is now a small park. The other half is a layby with a few parking spaces and can be converted to a bus stop during grave sweeping festivals to improve traffic along Victoria Road.
域多利道近金粟街的休憩處今日啟用。這塊用地於90年代域多利道擴闊工程完成後一直未有永久用途。我們於2012年3月遞交地區小型工程項目申請表格,建議使用部分土地興建休憩處,而另一部分則改建為設有咪錶位的避車處。春秋二祭期間, 咪錶位範圍會變成巴士站以疏導車流。 At today's district council meeting, HKU presented their plans for a new medical teaching and research facility east of 3 Sassoon Road. Please click here for their powerpoint with visuals and building height profile. The proposed development sits on Green Belt. HKU will apply to the Town Planning Board for rezoning.
The building will impact the views of residents at Northcote Close, Royalton and Radcliffe. We have asked HKU to consider alternative sites, design and development parameters. They will include pedestrian links for the public to connect between Victoria Road, Northcote Close and Pok Fu Lam Road. We will organise community meetings with HKU for residents to give their input. We will keep you posted on the details. 香港大學今日向南區區議會簡介最新的擴建計劃:於沙宣道3號以東的斜坡興建教學大樓。請按連結瀏覽詳情及模擬圖片等。大樓選址位處「綠化地帶」(Green Belt),因此港大需向城規會申請改劃土地用途。 部分位於羅富國徑、豪峰及靖林住宅單位的景觀會受到影響。我們已要求港大就選址、設計及發展參數等考慮其他方案。新教學大樓會提供行人通道,連接域多利道至羅富國徑及薄扶林道。我們會安排社區會議讓港大直接與與居民交流意見,稍後再匯報會議的詳情。 3 minute promotional video 三分鐘宣傳短片 Today, the Innovation and Technology Bureau including the management of Cyberport presented their request for HK$4.792 bln for conversion of part of the waterfront park into an office building. The images of the revised design of the building have been clipped from the video presented by Cyberport to LegCo. Webcast: https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr20-21/english/panels/itb/agenda/itb20210510.htm LegCo meeting paper: https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr20-21/english/panels/itb/papers/itb20210510cb1-868-2-e.pdf We have yet to receive detailed information, plans and images from Cyberport to share with you. Moreover, Cyberport has yet to identify the park enhancements the community is looking for. Late last week my office submitted a letter (click here) to LegCo, to remind them to ask for compensation for the loss of the park. I hope to get more information to share with you once Cyberport meets with the District Council. 今日,創新及科技局連同數碼港管理層,向立法會介紹47.92億元擴建數碼港的計劃,新大樓將座落於商場前方的公園。
上述圖片取自於今日數碼港於立法會會議中播放的三分鐘宣傳短片。 會議視像影片: https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr20-21/chinese/panels/itb/agenda/itb20210510.htm 會議文件: https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr20-21/chinese/panels/itb/papers/itb20210510cb1-868-2-c.pdf 數碼港暫時未向我們提供更多資訊,包括新大樓的高度(如有改變)及高像素的模擬相片等。另外,數碼港亦未有交代具體的公園改善計劃,以及會否落實居民希望新增的設施。 上星期我們去信(英文信件連結)立法會要求就縮小公園面積作出補償。 我們期待數碼港向南區區議會介紹項目時能提供更多資訊供居民參考。 |
September 2023