For ringelmann chart, you may refer to:
To be a smoky vessel spotter, we suggest the following:
- If you see a vessel emitting pretty dark smoke (darker than shade 2) continuously, grab your phone/video camera and record a video of it for more than 3 minutes
- If the dark smoke is non-stop in the video for over 3 minutes, call Marine Department 2385 2791 (24 hours hotline) immediately to report the location, direction and type of vessel. They should send a patrol boat to identify it. You may wish to tell them you have a 3 minute plus video.
- Please let us know too, [email protected] or 9096-3070. We can help chasing the Marine Department for follow up actions.
- Marine Department’s email address is [email protected] , you may send them the link (dropbox, youtube, etc) of the video. But they prefer you make the report by phonecall first as they can send a patrol right away.
- Should Marine Department proceed with the investigation, you may be invited to provide a statement, this could be done in their Aberdeen Office.
- 如發現船隻持續地排放大量黑煙(2號陰暗色同等深色或較之更深色的煙霧),請用拍攝一段多於3分鐘的影片。
- 如船隻於影片中持續排放黑煙超過3分鐘,應立即致電海事處二十四小時熱線2385 2791舉報,清楚提供事發地點,船隻航行的方向及黑煙的濃度(微型力高文圖表中2號陰暗色同等深色或較之更深色的煙霧),並告知你有一段三分鐘的影片。
- 海事處希望市民將影片傳送到海事處電郵([email protected]),可將影片上載至 dropbox 或youtube,並將其鏈結附在電郵内。
- 海事處會就有關事件作岀調查,而舉報之市民會被邀請到香港仔海事分處作協助調查。
- 歡迎將資料同時發給我們([email protected] or 9096-3070),我們會就事件向海事處跟進。