This visual shows the impact of the planned East Lantau Metropolis (a.k.a. Lantau Tomorrow Vision), a $624 billion reclamation around Kau Yi Chau island located between Pokfulam and Lantau. The designer assumed a maximum building height of 120m and a bridge link across the East Lamma Channel. The view point is the junction of Cyberport Road and Sha Wan Drive. At the public hearing in LegCo last Saturday (13 April 2019) I argued that priority should be given to cleaning up and developing the New Territories over and above pouring the money in the sea for a new island. You may watch the video below. 大家可透過此圖片了解交椅洲人工島填海計劃會如何影響薄扶林的景觀。據政府早前粗略估算,「明日大嶼願景」工程造價為6240億元,當中包括在交椅洲(位於薄扶林及大嶼山之間的水域)興建人工島。提供圖片的設計師假設樓宇最高高度為120米,及當局使用行車橋而非海底隧道型式連接交椅洲至香港島。圖片攝於數碼港道近沙灣徑的路口。剛過去的星期六(2019年4月13日),我出席立法會公聽會時指出政府應優先處理及發展新界現有土地,而非投放巨大資源興建人工島。你可你可觀看我以下的發言。 |
September 2023