位於薄扶林道瑪麗醫院以北的樓梯重置工程已經完成。你可由樓梯通往引水道上面的碧珊徑,再經香港大學克頓道步行至山頂以及西高山 (海拔490米),沿途景色怡人,滿布多個法定古蹟及歷史建築。
At Pok Fu Lam Road just north of the Queen Mary Hospital new stairs have been built to re-connect with the heritage Pik Shan Path which runs over the old water conduit. You can walk from here to the University of Hong Kong, Hatton Road, and The Peak as well as High West, a climb to 490m. 位於薄扶林道瑪麗醫院以北的樓梯重置工程已經完成。你可由樓梯通往引水道上面的碧珊徑,再經香港大學克頓道步行至山頂以及西高山 (海拔490米),沿途景色怡人,滿布多個法定古蹟及歷史建築。 The old trail through the former Kong Sin Wan village is repaired and open! It runs from Victoria Road, some 200m from the Sassoon Road Roundabout and ends at Kong Sin Wan road near The ISF Academy. Long-time residents approached me on the possibility of repairing this short-cut to Cyberport when I started service as District Councillor for Pokfulam in 2010. Proposals submitted for District Minor Works in March 2011 were endorsed in May 2013 and after many bureaucratic hurdles works started in March 2019.
通往前鋼綫灣村的小徑已修復完畢並重新開放。小徑於域多利道的入口設於距離沙宣道回旋處200米位置,近明愛胡振中中學下方;另一端的入口則位於鋼綫灣道的盡頭(近弘立書院中學部)。2010年當選薄扶林區議員後,有於區內居住多年的居民向我們反映,希望政府能修復並重開鋼綫灣徑。我們於2011年3月遞交地區小型工程建議書,並於2013年5月獲得批准。經多次與不同政府部門就樹木、地界及責任等問題磋商後,修復工程終於2019年3月展開。 |
September 2023