Following the announcement (link) that Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School will vacate its campus in Pokfulam starting September 2024, we wrote to government regarding the future use of the site. We have received a letter reply from Education Bureau (click here) explaining that they will determine the next step, including studying the feasibility of handing it over to HKU for teaching and research purpose.
早前位於羅富國徑的明愛胡振中中學宣佈,該校將於2024年9月起遷出校舍(連結)。我們去信政府部門查詢校舍的未來用途,最近收到教育局的回覆(英文信件連結),局方表示他們會檢視校舍是否適合保留作學校用途,並會同時研究將校舍交由香港大學作教學及研究用途的可行性。 The contractor of Cyberport, Gammon, will work on the superstructure for Cyberport 5 as well as enhancement works in the park. Portions of the park will be cordoned off, click here for the official notice. We have again asked Cyberport to publish the plans and designs for the park for community input. Cyberport says that the landscape consultant is still finalising it. We will continue to press Cyberport for consulting the public on the park design before implementation.
數碼港擴建的承建商「金門建築」即將展開數碼港5期的上蓋及公園改善工程。部分公園範圍會被圍封,詳情請瀏覽通告。我們再次要求數碼港公佈公園的設計方案,讓居民提供意見。數碼港表示,他們的園境顧問正在確定最終方案。我們會繼續敦促數碼港於實施設計方案前諮詢公眾的意見。 |
September 2023