We received notice that Cyberport will not renew the lease for the Cyberport Post Office. The Post Office will close down on 17 October 2021. A street post box and an iPostal Kiosk will be installed at the ground floor of Core A of Cyberport 3 (next to McDonald's) for self-service mail posting and collection services. We have asked Cyberport what the future use of the Post Office space will be. We will revert once the answer has been received. 我們收到通知,數碼港不會與郵局續簽租約,郵局將於2021年10月17日關閉。香港郵政會於數碼港3座A區辦公大樓地下(即麥當勞旁邊)加設一個街道郵箱及「自助郵務中心」,以便大家投寄及領取郵件。我們正向數碼港查詢現時郵局舖位的未來用途,稍後再作匯報。
The Food and Health Bureau has submitted a paper to seek $56 million for pre-construction activities for HKU's new laboratory complex. Click here for the paper. The item will be discussed at Legislative Council Public Works Subcommittee on 15 or 17 September 2021. We have written (link) to the Chairman and Members urging them to call for investigation of multiple sites, not just the green belt slopes east of 3 Sassoon Road, for the following reasons:
食物及衞生局向立法會的工務小組委員會遞交了文件,申請五千六百萬的撥款,為香港大學於沙宣道 3 號以東的地段東興建實驗室大樓進行前期工作。委員會會於2021年9月15日或17日討論此撥款申請。我們已去信委員會的主席及委員,促請他們要求香港大學研究多個選址的可行性,而非只是研究沙宣道 3 號以東的綠化地帶,理由如下:
September 2023