Chinachem's contractor has started removing the scaffolding of Victoria Garden. They expect the removal works to be completed by the end of August 2022. The remaining renovation works will be completed by October 2022. It is yet unclear whether the properties will be sold or let out. With the change in interest rates, developers are changing their disposal strategies.
華懋集團委託的工程公司已開始為域多利花園拆除棚架,預計2022年8月完成。其餘內部裝修工程會於2022年10月完成。暫時未清楚大業主會將住宅單位放租或是放售。隨著息率上調,多個發展商開始改變策略。 Click here for English version 華富邨重建計劃 華富邨重建計劃第一期於2021年展開,房屋署先於域多利道及薄扶林道的五幅新住宅用地興建公營房屋,以安置華富邨居民,相關地基工程正在進行中。當大部份居民於2031年遷出後,房署會將華富邨拆卸重建。現時預計2041-2044年該區的人口淨增長為三萬五千人。為配合交通需求,新的南港島線西段預計於屆時落成,連接黃竹坑、香港仔、田灣、華富、數碼港、瑪麗醫院及香港大學。 康文署會將薄扶林圖書館重置於雞籠灣 康樂及文化事務署(康文署)決定將現時位於華珍樓的薄扶林公共圖書館重置於雞籠灣北。詳情請參考區議會文件。 爭議:薄扶林圖書館的臨時選址 vs 永久選址
康文署認為原址重置薄扶林圖書館的建議不可取,並選擇了雞籠灣北為新圖書館的永久選址。我們不反對雞籠灣北為圖書館的臨時選址,但是當華富邨完成重建後及港鐵南港島線西段通車後,圖書館應該搬回華富的中心地帶,方便更多市民使用圖書館服務。 將圖書館重置於雞籠灣屬錯誤的決定 我們認為康文署的決定是錯誤的。署方未有計算區內於2040年後的人口分佈,他們選擇將圖書館永久重置於雞籠灣(薄扶林道靠山的一邊),屆時該帶會有5,610個住宅單位。反而薄扶林道靠海的另一邊,即重建後的華富邨、三個新公屋項目及華貴一帶,則會有20,968個住宅單位。圖書館的永久選址應建基於顧及區內未來人口分佈,將圖書館重置於靠山一邊的薄扶林道會為大部分居民帶來不便。 圖書館應設置於華富的中心地帶 清拆華富邨期間,雞籠灣北可以作為圖書館的臨時選址,當華富邨完成重建後,圖書館應該搬回華富的中心地帶或屆時的港鐵站上蓋。這個方案對未來薄扶林、華富及華貴的大部分居民而言,是最方便及合乎邏輯。 網上聯署:將薄扶林圖書館應設置於華富的中心地帶 請按連結參與我們的網上聯署。系統會將聯署信發放到相關政策局及部門。 (中文版本 - 連結) Wah Fu Estate redevelopment The first phase of the redevelopment of Wah Fu Estate is the construction of five additional public housing sites near Wah Fu to decant the existing residents. Site formation works began in 2021 along Victoria Road and Pok Fu Lam Road. It is expected that the majority of Wah Fu Estate residents will have moved over by 2031. Next, the existing Wah Fu Estate will be redeveloped. A net increase of 35,000 residents is expected in the area by 2041-44. The new MTR line from Wong Chuk Hang, via Aberdeen, Tin Wan, Wah Fu, Cyberport and Queen Mary Hospital to HKU is expected to open at the same time. LCSD will relocate Pok Fu Lam library to Kai Lung Wan North The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has decided to relocate the Pok Fu Lam Library (currently in Wah Chun House) to Kai Lung Wan North ahead of the demolition of Wah Fu. See district council paper here. The dispute: Temporary vs permanent location of the Pok Fu Lam library
In LCSD's point of view, Ka Lung Wan North will be the new permanent location for the library. We disagree. While we do not object moving the library temporarily up the mountain and across Pok Fu Lam Road, once the Wah Fu MTR station is built the library must move back to the heart of Wah Fu at or near the new station. Doing so will benefit the greatest number of people. Kai Lung Wan North is the wrong location for a public library LCSD's decision to move the Pok Fu Lam library permanently Kai Lung Wan is wrong. First, it does not take into account the population distribution beyond 2040. By 2040, Kai Lung Wan, where the new library will be situated, only houses 5,610 residential units. In contrast, the redeveloped Wah Fu estate, the new decanting sites and the Wah Kwai area will house a total of 20,968 units. Second, Kai Lung Wan North is hard to reach for most residents in the vicinity. It lies up the mountain above Pok Fu Lam Road. Locate the Pok Fu Lam library at the future centre of Wah Fu Moving the library to Kai Lun Wan North should only be temporary while redevelopment of Wah Fu proceeds. Government should set out clearly now, that the future permanent location of the Pok Fu Lam Library will be at the heart of Wah Fu near or on top of the MTR station. In that location, the library can offer convenient services to the majority of the residents of Pokfulam, Wah Fu and Wah Kwai. Support the call for locating the Pok Fu Lam library at the future Wah Fu Station Click here to sign the petition. The system will generate an email to the relevant government bureax and departments. Plans for the development of “Deep Technology Research Facilities” by The University of Hong Kong in Pokfulam were announced in the Policy Address on 6 October 2021 (link for our earlier report). An area of 4 hectares is targeted between Pok Fu Lam Road and Victoria Road – from upper Baguio Villa to connect with the HKU facilities planned near Sassoon Road. We recently met with HKU to learn more about the plans. They are in the process of acquiring consultants to assist with planning for the development site identified by government (below). The target development plot ratio is set at 5. 2021年10月6日的施政報告,政府表示會為香港大學預留 4 公頃「綠化地帶」的土地以興建深科技研發大樓(早前報導:連結)。位置介乎於薄扶林道與域多利道之間的斜坡,由上碧瑤以北伸延到港大於沙宣道擬建的新大樓,目標地積比率為5。我們最近與港大會面了解項目進度,他們現正聘請顧問公司協助進行前期的規劃及諮詢工作。 In response to our request for early consultation, HKU agreed to reach out to the Pokfulam community after the summer to receive input before developing detailed plans. In line with comments received, we have expressed concerns over traffic impacts, the loss of sightlines for residents nearby and the further loss of green space in Pokfulam following the approved medical laboratory building east of 3 Sassoon Road.
我們早前去信要求當局盡早聆聽居民意見。港大表示會於暑假後開展相關諮詢工作,以便他們將意見融入設計方案內。我們再次重申居民非常關注項目對交通和景觀所造成的影響,以及繼上年城規會批准港大醫學院於沙宣道3號以東興建實驗室大樓後,區內再多一幅「綠化地帶」因發展項目而消失。 |
September 2023