The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council is asked to approve a 5.025bln budget for Cyberport 5 tomorrow.
Cyberport will be permanently granted the entire popular 6.5ha waterfront park, of which more than 20% will be lost with the construction of a new building and access road.
We have asked LegCo members to reconsider giving budget approval. Please click here for our letter with eight concerns to be resolved. Key concerns are:
- The Town Planning Board has yet to approve a Master Layout Plan of the new building;
- The community / Southern District Council have yet to discuss enhancement and facilities in the park;
- Government has yet to mitigate the loss of the park area (e.g. extension of the promenade to Sandy Bay).
Popular requests from residents for waterfront enhancements to compensate for loss of park area
The cartoon below shows the planned Cyberport expansion, as well as popular requests from residents for new park facilities and enhancements including an extension of the waterfront promenade to Sandy Bay.
Cyberport Expansion Project
- New building and access road cover more than 20% of park
Popular requests for enhancement of the waterfront - Link to Sandy Bay (missing from budget)
- Skate park (missing from budget)
- Roof over the existing pier area (missing from budget)
- Pet facilities (in budget)
- Kids facilities (missing from budget)
- Kids facilities (missing from budget)
- Cycling facilities (missing from budget)
立法會的財務委員會將於明日審批 50.25億元的數碼港擴建計劃。
- 城市規劃委員會仍未審批新大樓的總綱發展藍圖
- 居民及南區區議會還未商討改善公園的措施
- 政府未有適當補償公園面積縮小(例如將公園連接至大口環的海濱長廊)
- 新大樓及通道將佔據公園超過兩成的面積
改善海濱設施的一些熱門選項 - 將海濱長廊連接至大口環 (未有為此預留資金)
- 滑板場 (未有為此預留資金)
- 為現有碼頭提供上蓋 (未有為此預留資金)
- 寵物相關設施 (已預留資金)
- 兒童玩樂設施 (未有為此預留資金)
- 兒童玩樂設施 (未有為此預留資金)
- 單車徑(未有為此預留資金)