The building will impact the views of residents at Northcote Close, Royalton and Radcliffe. We have asked HKU to consider alternative sites, design and development parameters. They will include pedestrian links for the public to connect between Victoria Road, Northcote Close and Pok Fu Lam Road. We will organise community meetings with HKU for residents to give their input. We will keep you posted on the details.
香港大學今日向南區區議會簡介最新的擴建計劃:於沙宣道3號以東的斜坡興建教學大樓。請按連結瀏覽詳情及模擬圖片等。大樓選址位處「綠化地帶」(Green Belt),因此港大需向城規會申請改劃土地用途。