Residents are upset with potentially losing yet another green site in Pok Fu Lam – with the Housing Department developing green belt sites near Wah Fu, Cyberport grabbing part of the waterfront park, and HKU seeking a virgin green belt site. A key question is whether HKU really needs a new site, or whether they can redevelop an existing property or develop more suitable locations for laboratories and training facilities.
區內多幅綠化地段先後被用作發展用途:房屋署於華富邨附近徵用多幅綠化地帶(Green Belt) 興建公共房屋,數碼港使用部分海濱公園用地作擴建用途,加上現在港大計劃於綠化地帶擴建醫學院,居民均強烈表示反對。就此港大需回應多個問題:他們是否真的需要另覓新地?還是可以重建他們的現有物業?抑或可選取其他較合適的位置用作擴建實驗室及教學大樓用途?