A section in the middle of Cyberport Waterfront Park has been fenced off (red circle). The large banyan tree located in the construction site (blue circle) will be transplanted. After transplanting the tree will remain fenced for 12 months. Please click here for the notice. 數碼港海濱公園中間有小部分範圍被圍封,地盤內的一棵大榕樹將會移植到這個位置。完成移植後,圍封措施會繼續十二個月,以便監察樹木的健康狀況及進行相關保養工作。詳情請按連結瀏覽通告。 (Photo - After transplanting 相片 - 移植後)
Aiming to make the public play spaces more creative, fun and user-friendly in meeting the needs and expectation of the public, the Government proposed to renovate over 170 public play spaces managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) by phases. Click here to take part in their questionnaire, creative writing competition and drawing competition. Your children may be interested in the latter. Deadline is 25 March 2022. 為了提升公共遊樂空間的創意和趣味,以滿足巿民對公共遊樂空間的需要及期望,政府計劃在未來五年分批改造全港超過170個康文署轄下的公共遊樂空間,並在過程中鼓勵社區參與。
歡迎按連結透過問卷、繪畫比賽及徵文比賽提供意見。小朋友可能對繪畫或徵文比賽感興趣。截止日期為2022年3月25日。 We have received complaints about the park and noise related to the construction of Cyberport 5. We have reminded Cyberport of best practices in community liaison for major projects such as dedicated website; regular project newsletters; and community liaison meetings where Cyberport can give an update, and the community can raise questions and suggestions. We have proposed to limit the working hours for noisy activities, and to reconnect the walking paths as in the picture above.
隨著數碼港五座工程展開,我們最近收到多宗關於噪音及公園的投訴。我們已提醒數碼港可以參考其他同類項目於社區聯絡層面的做法:包括設立網頁、定期發放通訊及舉行社區聯絡會議,以便居民了解工程進展及直接與數碼港交流意見。我們已建議數碼港於公園內設置臨時緩跑徑(請參考圖片),及避免於晨早時段進行嘈吵的工程。 Despite objections from over 900 residents, the Metro Planning Committee of Town Planning Board approved HKU's planning application to rezone 1.64 hectares of green belt east of 3 Sassoon Road for a laboratory complex on 26 November 2021. You may click here for the minutes. The Planning Department will now revise the Outline Zoning Plan for Pokfulam for public consultation.
When responding to a question from a board member, Dean of Medicine Professor Gabriel Leung said in Cantonese: "This land, actually it was the Chief Executive coming to HKU Medical School, she pointed it out to me. I don't think anyone else would know better than her, as she used to be the Secretary for Development" (2:04:11 of the audio recording). This information was omitted from the meeting minutes. We have written to remind the Town Planning Board secretariat (link). 儘管超過900名居民提出反對意見,城規會的都會規劃小組委員會於2021年11月26日批准香港大學改劃沙宣道3號以東1.64公頃的綠化地帶,以興建實驗室大樓。你可按連結瀏覽英文版的會議記錄。規劃署將會修訂薄扶林分區計劃大綱圖並進行公眾諮詢。 當日港大醫學院院長梁卓偉教授回應城規會委員提問時說:「而呢個地呢,其實係特首佢自己親自嚟港大醫學院,係佢去點出嚟比我睇,我諗無人清楚得過佢..做過發展局局長。」(錄音:連結,可由第二小時四分十一秒開始)。會議記錄遺漏了這項重要資料,我們已去信(連結)提醒城規會秘書處。 Northcote Close residents respond to HKU with an alternative proposal羅富國徑居民提出新建議,回應港大擴建醫學院10/12/2021
The Incorporated Owners of Yee On at Northcote Close have submitted two applications to the Town Planning Board in response to the HKU’s plans for a large laboratory complex on the neighbouring green belt.
According to the applicant: “Please note that the application is providing an alternative solution to HKU expansion, and not objecting to it. Note that the whole character of the area is changing because of the huge HKU development and that the low density Northcote Close residential development is no longer compatible. With the expansion of HKU it should be rezoned to "Government, Institution or Community" to make a logical extension of the university, or to be rezoned for a medium density residential development.” Find out more? Unlike Cyberport and HKU, the owners of Yee On have made their application available on-line here. You can express support, comments or objections to the Town Planning Board via this link before 31 December 2021. Do let us know what you think via [email protected] 羅富國徑13至15號的易安業主立案法團向城市規劃委員會遞交了兩份規劃申請,以回應港大於附近綠化地帶興建實驗室大樓。 申請人表示:「規劃申請的目的是為港大擴建計劃提供另一選項,而非反對港大的申請。由於港大擴建規模龐大,整個地段的特色亦因此產生重大變化,現時羅富國徑低密度住宅的用途亦不再相容。隨著港大擴建,這些低密度住宅用地應改為「政府、機構或社區」供香港大學作擴建用途,或改劃為中密度住宅用地。」 與早前數碼港及港大不同之處是,易安業主立案法團遞交了規劃申請文件的電子版本,直接讓大家於網上(連結)瀏覽相關文件。你可於2021年12月31日前透過此連結提出支持、反對或其他性質的意見。你亦可將意見電郵給我們:[email protected]。 Earlier this year, remains of an old section of Pok Fu Lam road was discovered at the construction site for a new public housing block above Victoria Road next to St Paul's College Primary School. Retaining walls became visible when the Civil Engineering and Development Department cleared vegetation as part of site formation. Government halted the works and conducted a Heritage Impact Study. Only small sections of the original retaining walls were found under new retaining walls built on top. The study concludes that it is not feasible to retain these without major changes to the proposed development. The study proposes to salvage some of the stones and "incorporate an interpretation of the Old Pok Fu Lam Road at future housing site, if possible". We have expressed our disappointment with the lack of a specific commitment as it left for the Housing Department to consider the proposals. Click here for the full report including pictures and history of the old Pok Fu Lam Road.
半年前,土木工程拓展署開始於域多利道聖保羅書院小學旁邊的斜坡進行土地平整工程,以興建公共房屋安置華富邨居民。清除大量樹木後,舊薄扶林道及其擋土牆被發現,當中包括少量相信是最原始建設的石塊。政府早前暫停相關工程,並委託文物顧問進行研究。最近出爐的報告指出有需要興建公共房屋,未能原址保留舊薄扶林道及其擋土牆,建議先將石塊移走,部分會交由房屋署研究如何在新屋邨範圍內展示舊薄扶林道的樣貌及歷史(如可行的話)。在缺乏具體方案及承諾下,我們已向當局表示非常失望。如對舊薄扶林道的歷史及相片有興趣,請按連結瀏覽報告的完整版本。 Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired has submitted an application (Y/H10/14) to the Town Planning Board to seek permission to rezone as a residential site providing 83 flats and 100 parking spaces.
The proposed maximum height is 151mpd, similar to the existing roof height of the school building. The negotiation has taken more than 10 years and involved rezoning submissions in 2007, 2008 and 2011. The developer will build a new school in Tung Chung (expected completion: 2025) after which the Pok Fu Lam site will be redeveloped for residential use. Click here for Town Planning Board details. Deadline for comments is 24 December 2021. Click here for the Planning Statement will full details. 心光盲人院暨學校向城市規劃委員會申請改劃作住宅用途(Y/H10/14),提供83個單位及100個車位。 最高建築物高度為151米(主水平基準上),與現時學校的高度相若。事實上,校方於過往十多年曾多次修改方案,而城規會先後於2007年、2008年及2011年否決其改劃申請。根據最新方案,發展商會先為學校於東涌興建新校舍,預計2025年落成,其後將薄扶林原址重建成住宅。 請按城規會連結瀏覽相關資料。提出意見的截止日期為2021年12月24日。 規劃綱領全份文件:連結。 The Policy Address on 6 October 2021 included a reference to allocating a 4-hectare site currently zoned “Green Belt” in Pokfulam to the University of Hong Kong for deep technology research facilities. We wrote to ask the Innovation & Technology Bureau for details. In their reply (link) they explained the site would be in the vicinity of the Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired, and that details are subject to further study. We have since asked them to consult the community and the Southern District Council before developing the proposal any further, as already so much green space in Pokfulam is lost to recent developments for Wah Fu Estate, Cyberport and HKU. Checks and balances appear to be lost in the relentless development of Pokfulam.
今年10月6日的施政報告提及於薄扶林為港大預留 4 公頃現屬「綠化地帶」的土地興建深科技研發大樓。我們早前向創新及科技局作出查詢,最近局方回覆(連結)選址位於心光盲人院暨學校附近,詳情有待進一步研究。我們再次去信創科局,表明區內因華富邨重建、數碼港擴建及港大醫學院擴建等已失去多幅綠化地帶及空間。我們促請局方於研究方案前先諮詢南區區議會及社區。接二連三的大型發展項目不禁令人擔憂:監察與制衡的機制在哪裡? Planning Department deprives public opportunity to comment on HKU responses 規劃署變相剝奪居民就港大回應發聲的機會23/11/2021
HKU submitted additional information (gist) for their planning application to rezone 1.64 hectares of green belt east of 3 Sassoon Road for a laboratory complex. Early this week, the Planning Department announced it exempted this information from public scrutiny and the Town Planning Board announced it will review the application this Friday. As HKU only provided a hard copy of the full information, we are hosting a scanned copy on-line below. HKU’s responses to the many comments confirm that there has been NO detailed evaluation of alternative site options. Moreover, the reduction in building height by 2m-5m is entirely negated by allowing roof top structures up to 10% of the building height! In a letter yesterday to the Town Planning Board and Planning Department (link), we are urging them to allow the public to comment on the new information instead of rushing this through. We are not hopeful anyone is listening. 香港大學醫學院早前申請改劃沙宣道3號以東1.64公頃的綠化地帶,以興建實驗室大樓。他們遞交了進一步的資料(摘要連結),獲規劃署接受及豁免公布,變相剝奪了公眾人士就這些資料提交意見的機會。城規會於今個星期五的會議上討論這項規劃申請。 由於港大選擇不提供全份文件的電子版本,我們唯有將已掃描的版本放到網上供居民查閱。從港大的回應所見,他們根本沒有就其他選址進行詳細研究。雖然他們提出將大樓高度降低兩至五米,但是天台構築物的准許高度為大樓高度的一成,意味著整體高度沒有重大變化。 我們已去信城規會及規劃署(連結),促請他們讓公眾人士就港大的回應及新資料提供意見,而非快刀斬亂麻。對於他們會否聆聽訴求,我們實在不敢寄予厚望。 Additional information submitted by HKU on 15 November 2021The University of Hong Kong chose not to provide a soft copy. The documents below are scanned at the Planning Enquiry Counter, using a smartphone. The objective is to allow residents of Pokfulam to understand the planning application details without having to go to the Planning Enquiry Counters. 香港大學於 15/11/2021 提交的進一步資料香港大學選擇不提供電子版本。 以下文件是於「規劃資料查詢處」使用智能電話掃描合成的,以便薄扶林居民了解這個規劃申請的詳情。 Large park area will be fenced off for Cyberport expansion works 圍封數碼港公園部分範圍 - 數碼港擴建工程即將展開11/11/2021
Today, we received notice from Cyberport that the contractor will fence off part of the park on 15 November 2021 to start the Cyberport expansion construction works. Click here for the notice and map. The completion date is set for the end of 2025.
我們今日收到數碼港的通知,擴建工程的承建商將於2021年11月15日起圍封數碼港公園部分範圍。請按連結瀏覽通告及圍封範圍。相關工程會於2025年底完成。 Despite best efforts, the Cyberport Post Office will close down on 17 October 2021 (see previous report link). Many residents have raised concerns over this. We understand that the vacated shop space may be taken up by the 7-11 convenience chain store.
A self-service “Auto Post” has been opened in the office lobby next to McDonald’s where you can buy stamps, collect and send mail. It will operate from 7am to 11pm everyday, starting 15 Oct 2021. Click here for the notice by Hongkong Post. In the meantime, a temporary post box has been placed outside near McDonald's. Collection is daily at 11:45am (except Sunday/Public Holidays). 儘管多達700名人士聯署要求保留數碼港郵局,郵局將於2021年10月17日關閉,詳情請按連結瀏覽早前的報導。據聞7-11便利店將會進駐郵局的舖位。 香港郵政已於數碼港3座A區辦公大樓地下(即麥當勞旁邊)的室內地方設立了自助郵政服務設施,以便大家購買郵票、寄件及收件等。這些設施會於2021年10月15日起投入服務,服務時間為每日早上7時正至晚上11時正,詳情請參考香港郵政的通告。另外,郵局亦於麥當勞對出的行人路增設了一個街道郵筒,截郵時間為星期一至星期六早上11時45分,公眾假期除外。 HK01 has reported extensively on the HKU laboratory project in Pokfulam:
Proposal by HKU: link Comments from residents: link Comments from district councillor and resident engineer: link The HKU has asked the Town Planning Board to defer its application in order to provide more information in response to concerns raised by residents and government departments. HKU has offered to reduce the maximum building height by 5 meters. This is considered meaningless, as the scheme available for approval is merely notional. The Legislative Council Finance Committee in their meeting on 8 October 2021 approved a HK$56 million budget for site surveys and engineering studies. Only once these have been completed can a realistic scheme be devised for this complicated site. We will continue to urge the Town Planning Board to demand a detailed analyses of costs and benefits of alternative sites. HKU has various sites near the Queen Mary Hospital which it can and should consider. 香港01今日就港大於薄扶林擬建實驗室大樓作出多篇詳細報導: 香港大學的建議及立場: - 連結 居民意見 - 連結 區議員及工程師的意見 - 連結 香港大學向城市規劃委員會申請延後處理該項規劃申請,以便他們提供額外資料回應政府部門及居民的意見。香港大學表示會將大樓的最高高度降低五米。我們認為此舉意義不大,因為現時只是審批初步概念設計。 立法會財務委員會於2021年10月8日的會議上通過五千六百萬的撥款,讓港大就項目進行前期工作。由於斜坡陡峭,最終大樓的設計及高度均取決於這些前期工作的結論。我們會繼續促請城規會要求港大提交其他選址的可行性報告。香港大學擁有多幅鄰近瑪麗醫院的土地,他們應先充分研究其他選址。 We received notice that Cyberport will not renew the lease for the Cyberport Post Office. The Post Office will close down on 17 October 2021. A street post box and an iPostal Kiosk will be installed at the ground floor of Core A of Cyberport 3 (next to McDonald's) for self-service mail posting and collection services. We have asked Cyberport what the future use of the Post Office space will be. We will revert once the answer has been received. 我們收到通知,數碼港不會與郵局續簽租約,郵局將於2021年10月17日關閉。香港郵政會於數碼港3座A區辦公大樓地下(即麥當勞旁邊)加設一個街道郵箱及「自助郵務中心」,以便大家投寄及領取郵件。我們正向數碼港查詢現時郵局舖位的未來用途,稍後再作匯報。
The Food and Health Bureau has submitted a paper to seek $56 million for pre-construction activities for HKU's new laboratory complex. Click here for the paper. The item will be discussed at Legislative Council Public Works Subcommittee on 15 or 17 September 2021. We have written (link) to the Chairman and Members urging them to call for investigation of multiple sites, not just the green belt slopes east of 3 Sassoon Road, for the following reasons:
食物及衞生局向立法會的工務小組委員會遞交了文件,申請五千六百萬的撥款,為香港大學於沙宣道 3 號以東的地段東興建實驗室大樓進行前期工作。委員會會於2021年9月15日或17日討論此撥款申請。我們已去信委員會的主席及委員,促請他們要求香港大學研究多個選址的可行性,而非只是研究沙宣道 3 號以東的綠化地帶,理由如下:
September 2023