As HKU only provided a hard copy of the full information, we are hosting a scanned copy on-line below. HKU’s responses to the many comments confirm that there has been NO detailed evaluation of alternative site options. Moreover, the reduction in building height by 2m-5m is entirely negated by allowing roof top structures up to 10% of the building height!
In a letter yesterday to the Town Planning Board and Planning Department (link), we are urging them to allow the public to comment on the new information instead of rushing this through. We are not hopeful anyone is listening.
Additional information submitted by HKU on 15 November 2021
The documents below are scanned at the Planning Enquiry Counter, using a smartphone.
The objective is to allow residents of Pokfulam to understand the planning application details without having to go to the Planning Enquiry Counters.
香港大學於 15/11/2021 提交的進一步資料