今年10月6日的施政報告提及於薄扶林為港大預留 4 公頃現屬「綠化地帶」的土地興建深科技研發大樓。我們早前向創新及科技局作出查詢,最近局方回覆(連結)選址位於心光盲人院暨學校附近,詳情有待進一步研究。我們再次去信創科局,表明區內因華富邨重建、數碼港擴建及港大醫學院擴建等已失去多幅綠化地帶及空間。我們促請局方於研究方案前先諮詢南區區議會及社區。接二連三的大型發展項目不禁令人擔憂:監察與制衡的機制在哪裡?
The Policy Address on 6 October 2021 included a reference to allocating a 4-hectare site currently zoned “Green Belt” in Pokfulam to the University of Hong Kong for deep technology research facilities. We wrote to ask the Innovation & Technology Bureau for details. In their reply (link) they explained the site would be in the vicinity of the Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired, and that details are subject to further study. We have since asked them to consult the community and the Southern District Council before developing the proposal any further, as already so much green space in Pokfulam is lost to recent developments for Wah Fu Estate, Cyberport and HKU. Checks and balances appear to be lost in the relentless development of Pokfulam.
今年10月6日的施政報告提及於薄扶林為港大預留 4 公頃現屬「綠化地帶」的土地興建深科技研發大樓。我們早前向創新及科技局作出查詢,最近局方回覆(連結)選址位於心光盲人院暨學校附近,詳情有待進一步研究。我們再次去信創科局,表明區內因華富邨重建、數碼港擴建及港大醫學院擴建等已失去多幅綠化地帶及空間。我們促請局方於研究方案前先諮詢南區區議會及社區。接二連三的大型發展項目不禁令人擔憂:監察與制衡的機制在哪裡? Comments are closed.
September 2023