According to the applicant: “Please note that the application is providing an alternative solution to HKU expansion, and not objecting to it. Note that the whole character of the area is changing because of the huge HKU development and that the low density Northcote Close residential development is no longer compatible. With the expansion of HKU it should be rezoned to "Government, Institution or Community" to make a logical extension of the university, or to be rezoned for a medium density residential development.”
Find out more? Unlike Cyberport and HKU, the owners of Yee On have made their application available on-line here. You can express support, comments or objections to the Town Planning Board via this link before 31 December 2021. Do let us know what you think via [email protected]
與早前數碼港及港大不同之處是,易安業主立案法團遞交了規劃申請文件的電子版本,直接讓大家於網上(連結)瀏覽相關文件。你可於2021年12月31日前透過此連結提出支持、反對或其他性質的意見。你亦可將意見電郵給我們:[email protected]。