Earlier this year, remains of an old section of Pok Fu Lam road was discovered at the construction site for a new public housing block above Victoria Road next to St Paul's College Primary School. Retaining walls became visible when the Civil Engineering and Development Department cleared vegetation as part of site formation. Government halted the works and conducted a Heritage Impact Study. Only small sections of the original retaining walls were found under new retaining walls built on top. The study concludes that it is not feasible to retain these without major changes to the proposed development. The study proposes to salvage some of the stones and "incorporate an interpretation of the Old Pok Fu Lam Road at future housing site, if possible". We have expressed our disappointment with the lack of a specific commitment as it left for the Housing Department to consider the proposals. Click here for the full report including pictures and history of the old Pok Fu Lam Road.
半年前,土木工程拓展署開始於域多利道聖保羅書院小學旁邊的斜坡進行土地平整工程,以興建公共房屋安置華富邨居民。清除大量樹木後,舊薄扶林道及其擋土牆被發現,當中包括少量相信是最原始建設的石塊。政府早前暫停相關工程,並委託文物顧問進行研究。最近出爐的報告指出有需要興建公共房屋,未能原址保留舊薄扶林道及其擋土牆,建議先將石塊移走,部分會交由房屋署研究如何在新屋邨範圍內展示舊薄扶林道的樣貌及歷史(如可行的話)。在缺乏具體方案及承諾下,我們已向當局表示非常失望。如對舊薄扶林道的歷史及相片有興趣,請按連結瀏覽報告的完整版本。 Comments are closed.
September 2023