- The lay-bys at the supermarket and cinema are private Emergency Vehicle Access roads which need to be kept clear and parking meters are not feasible.
- Cyberport understands residents’ desire to “nip in”. However, the previous 15 minutes parking led to disagreements between security staff and drivers.
- To enhance the situation, Cyberport has decided as follows:
a) Free parking without spending will be 30 minutes (previously 20 minutes) effective 16 February 2015.
b) Free parking of 1 and 2 hours with a spending of HK$100 and HK$200 will remain unchanged.
c) (Un)loading and drop-off/pick up only at the two laybys. Drivers can wait only if no one needs to pass through.
d) New cones, planters and outdoor seating will be installed to improve the outlook of the area.
e) Goods handling by retailers will be restricted and alternatives are being studied.
- 商場及戲院旁邊的避車處為私人範圍內的緊急通道。為了保持通道暢通,他們未能提供泊車咪錶位。
- 數碼港明白居民希望能短暫停泊於避車處以便進入店舖購買東西,但早前的15分鐘短暫停泊安排多次導致保安人員和司機出現爭拗。
- 為了改善情況,數碼港決定採取以下措施:
a) 停車場免費泊車(不需消費單據)的時間將由原有的20分鐘增加至30分鐘,生效日期為2015年2月16日。
b) 現有的1小時及2小時免費泊車(消費滿$100及$200)將維持不變。
c) 商場及戲院旁邊的避車處只供上落客及貨物。車輛可於後面沒有車輛離開及司機在座的情況下短暫停留。
d) 為了美化環境,數碼港會安裝新的雪糕筒、花槽及戶外檯凳。
e) 當局正在研究其他方案,避免商店使用避車處上落貨。