因應華富邨重建項目第一階段的土地平整工程,向香港仔方向的一段石排灣道,將由現時車速限制每小時 70 公里降低至每小時 50 公里。上述安排會於2022年2月21日至2026年12月22日實施 ,詳情請按連結瀏覽通告。未來四年,該路段及旁邊斜坡將會進行多項工程,請各位駕駛人士注意。我們已提醒工程承辦商必須減少對交通流的影響。
With site formation works for Wah Fu Estate redevelopment (link) speed limits along a section of Shek Pai Wan Road towards Aberdeen will be changed from 70km/h to 50km/h. The new speed limits will be in force from 21 Feb 2022 to 22 December 2026. Click here for the official notice. There will be changes to the traffic arrangements as construction progresses – so do stay alert. We have reminded the contractors to minimize impact on traffic flow.
因應華富邨重建項目第一階段的土地平整工程,向香港仔方向的一段石排灣道,將由現時車速限制每小時 70 公里降低至每小時 50 公里。上述安排會於2022年2月21日至2026年12月22日實施 ,詳情請按連結瀏覽通告。未來四年,該路段及旁邊斜坡將會進行多項工程,請各位駕駛人士注意。我們已提醒工程承辦商必須減少對交通流的影響。 Works have started at the private road connecting Scenic Villas to Victoria Road. The resurfacing works will be carried out section by section (link). The entire programme will be completed in around 6 months. Temporary traffic management schemes will be in place. Visitors may wish to avoid driving down to Scenic Villas during peak hours.
美景臺通往域多利道的私家連接路重鋪工程將分階段動工(連結),預計六個月左右完成。期間會實施臨時交通管制措施。訪客請考慮避免於繁忙時段駕駛至美景臺。 We are receiving an increasing number of complaints from residents and public transport operators over traffic congestion and travel time along Sassoon Road and Pok Fu Lam Road near Belchers. The cause appears to be the temporary traffic schemes operated by the electricity company. We have contacted them and they responded promptly:
早前我們收到多名居民及公共交通工具營運商投訴薄扶林道近寶翠園及沙宣道交通嚴重擠塞 ,原因為香港電燈公司於該路段進行工程而將兩線收為一線。我們已聯絡電燈公司,他們迅速回應。以下是新措施:
At the start of the school terms we meet with schools and conduct site visits to address traffic issues. The ISF Academy, at Kong Sin Wan Road near Cyberport 1&2, has over 2000 primary and secondary school students and 500 staff. School bus utilisation is about 50%. Traffic is heavy at nearby junctions between 7:40 and 8am; as well as between 3:10 and 3:40pm. Cyberport tenants and carpark users, bus and minibus passengers and operators, get stuck in school traffic. The afternoon peak normally improves somewhat after 30 August 2021 as extended school activities start. The PE teachers of the school work hard to help manage the traffic as best as they can to minimize the congestion time. Kennedy School, at Sha Wan Drive, is a primary school with 900 students. About 60% of them use the school buses. The lack of laybys near the school means school buses park along the road. Together with the parent cars, the traffic sometimes comes to a stand-still for a short period as is noticeable in complaints we receive from residents, minibus passengers and operators. The school works hard to minimize congestion using traffic wardens. They also remind parents to be considerate and to queue up from the north as the buses do, so that one lane is kept free as much as possible. We are urging both schools to take a stronger stance on the use of school buses by their students. Your views are welcome via [email protected] 新學年初,我們與各學校代表會面,並進行實地考察,以望處理交通問題。
位於數碼港一、二期鋼綫灣道附近的弘立書院﹐有超過二千名中小學生及五百名教職員,現時校巴使用率為約五成。每逄上學日的上午7時40分至8時,及下午3時10分至3時40分,鄰近交通交匯處便出現大量車流,令數碼港的租戶、巴士及小巴乘客受到影響。下午時段的影響一般會在8月30日後,因課外活動展開而逐漸紓緩;校方的體育老師亦有盡力幫忙疏導交通。 位於沙灣徑的堅尼地小學有900名學生,其中六成乘坐校巴。由於校園附近沒有避車處,校巴經常都要停泊在路邊,再加上其他私家車,鄰近道路經常出現短時間嚴重擠塞,令車輛無法通行,更引來居民、小巴乘客及營運商的投訴。為減低交通影響,校方已派出交通督導員,並提醒家長顧及他人,仿傚校巴停泊在北行方向,以確保有一條行車線保持暢通。 我們已敦促校方在乘搭校巴一事採取更進取的立場。歡迎電郵至 [email protected] 分享你的意見。 The junction of Victoria Road / Sandy Bay Road is one of five pilot schemes for a new Real-time Adaptive Traffic Signal System. The trial started since April 2021. Over time various issues had to be addressed by Siemens Mobility. They attend regularly to fine-tune the system. Transport Department also continues to monitor the system. Please feel free to let us know your latest experience: [email protected] 域多利道/大口環道路口被選為「實時交通燈號調節系統先導計劃」五個選址之一。2021年4月起投入運作後,西門子交通多次因應問題出現而對系統作出調教,運輸署會繼續監察新系統的成效。
如有任何意見,請電郵至 [email protected]。 Improving crossing at Bel-Air Phase 1&2
Following the accident in December 2020 and subsequent survey, the Transport Department proposes to improve the existing zebra crossing at Cyberport Road near Bel-Air Phase 1 & 2:
改善貝沙灣一二期對出斑馬線 2020年12月發生交通意外後,居民透過問卷調查表達了意見。運輸署現建議改善貝沙灣一二期對出斑馬線,措施如下(連結):
To improve traffic flow, the Transport Department has agreed to a trial scheme banning right hand turns along Information Crescent. Plastic cones will be placed on 12 April 2021 when the school resumes after the Easter Break as shown in the pictures and drawings. Upon completion of the 2-week scheme there will be a review. Separately, Transport Department is studying a proposal to relocate the crossing outside Cyberport 2 to minimize conflict with traffic exiting the Cyberport carpark.
為改善學校的交通流 ,運輸署同意以試驗形式禁止於資訊道右轉入路口及避車處。2021年4月12起,即復活節假期完結後的第一個上課日,當局會於相關路段放置雪糕筒,為期兩個星期。運輸署會於試驗期結束後檢討成效。另外,署方正研究搬移數碼港二期對出過路處方案的可行性,令車輛能更順暢地離開數碼港的停車場。 [6/4/2021] The junction of Victoria Road / Sandy Bay Road is one of five pilot schemes for a new Real-time Adaptive Traffic Signal System. The traffic lights are now controlled using radar and thermal technology to improve the efficiency of the junction. It will take some time for the system to 'learn' the traffic, it will get smarter over time. 域多利道/大口環道路口被選為「實時交通燈號調節系統先導計劃」五個選址之一。現已正式投入運作,利用雷達及熱能探測改善路口的效率。系統會隨著時間更準確掌握交通模式。 [10/7/2020] Preliminary testing is under way at the junction of Victoria Road / Sandy Bay Road as one of the five sites in Hong Kong for a pilot scheme of a Real-time Adaptive Traffic Signal System. Installation will be carried out this quarter and the expected implementation is end of October. We met with the Transport Department and Siemens Mobility and learned how radar and thermal technology will help improve efficiency of the junction. Please refer to their presentation below for details. We urged them to consider the junction of Cyberport Road / Victoria Road in the next round. 域多利道/大口環道路口被選為「實時交通燈號調節系統先導計劃」五個選址之一。今個星期剛進行初步測試,安裝工程會於今季展開,預計今年10月尾會正式投入服務。我們早前於運輸署及西門子交通會面,了解雷達及熱能探測系統如何改善路口的效率,詳情可瀏覽他們的投影片。我們已要求署方考慮於下一階段為域多利道/數碼港道路口安裝此系統。 Police conducted two operations in our district including Victoria Road this week. Five vehicles were towed away on suspicion of illegal modifications. Three vehicles were issued orders for examination. Police will continue their operations against road racing in the district. For those who wish to report the registration details of vehicles suspected of illegal modifications may use the Transport Department's form (link).
今個星期警方於域多利道進行了兩次打擊非法賽車的行動,期間因懷疑涉及非法改裝而扣查了5輛私家車並向3輛私家車發出驗車令。警察會繼續進行打擊非法賽車行動。如你懷疑有車輛涉及非法改裝,你可透過運輸署的表格(連結)作出舉報。 |
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