[Updated on 9 Sep 2020]
To date over 640 residents signed the online petition. In response, the Queen Mary Hospital has proposed to swap the entrance and exit (click here for the presentation). Although this revision has merits, concerns remain over sightlines, footpath width, and queue length. Other concerns have emerged over passenger flows and (mini) bus stops. A resident, a senior engineer with deep experience in transport design, is volunteering time to review the plans. The New Block plans will have significant impact on a critical junction for Pokfulam. Residents with relevant expertise who wish to volunteer input on the revised plans for the QMH New Block entrance are invited to contact us at [email protected] .
截至今日,超過640名居民簽了網上聯署。瑪麗醫院作出了回應,建議將出入口位置互調(按連結瀏覽方案)。這個方案有可取之處,但是我們仍在等候院方交待如何處理視線範圍、行人路闊度、車輛排隊長度、小巴及巴士乘客的行走路線等問題。同時,區內一名資深道路工程師向我們提供了寶貴及專業的意見。新大樓的出入口會影響薄扶林居民主要出入道路的交通流,如閣下有專業意見可以提供,歡迎電郵我們:[email protected]。
截至今日,超過640名居民簽了網上聯署。瑪麗醫院作出了回應,建議將出入口位置互調(按連結瀏覽方案)。這個方案有可取之處,但是我們仍在等候院方交待如何處理視線範圍、行人路闊度、車輛排隊長度、小巴及巴士乘客的行走路線等問題。同時,區內一名資深道路工程師向我們提供了寶貴及專業的意見。新大樓的出入口會影響薄扶林居民主要出入道路的交通流,如閣下有專業意見可以提供,歡迎電郵我們:[email protected]。
Recently discovered plans show that vehicles entering and leaving Queen Mary Hospital’s New Block will impact Pok Fu Lam Road immediately at the slip road to Sassoon Road. Today as the 30 storey New Block is under construction, 4 traffic wardens make sure that traffic is managed safely. Unfortunately, we can’t expect the same service once the New Block starts operations (2024).
Since 2015 we have urged Queen Mary Hospital to use the former bus stop as a diverge to enter the New Block. The drawings we recently discovered show our warnings have been ignored. To enter, vehicles will have to come to a complete dead stop on Pok Fu Lam Road - right where buses, mini buses and private cars exit Pok Fu Lam Road to go to the bus stop, Sassoon Road, Bisney Road and the existing entrance to the hospital. During peak hours, one vehicle exits Pok Fu Lam Road here every 3 seconds. We have requested for the latest traffic impact assessment. We understand that at least 200 ambulances, trucks, and staff cars will use the new entrance every day.
Since 2015 we have urged Queen Mary Hospital to use the former bus stop as a diverge to enter the New Block. The drawings we recently discovered show our warnings have been ignored. To enter, vehicles will have to come to a complete dead stop on Pok Fu Lam Road - right where buses, mini buses and private cars exit Pok Fu Lam Road to go to the bus stop, Sassoon Road, Bisney Road and the existing entrance to the hospital. During peak hours, one vehicle exits Pok Fu Lam Road here every 3 seconds. We have requested for the latest traffic impact assessment. We understand that at least 200 ambulances, trucks, and staff cars will use the new entrance every day.
Sign petition: Change the dangerous entrance at Queen Mary Hospital's New Block
We urge residents to let the Hospital Authority know that the entrance design of the New Block is unacceptable. The New Block – which is described as Asia’s tallest hospital structure – must make sure vehicles exit Pok Fu Lam Road quickly and smoothly.
You can click here to join our petition to the Hospital Authority.
We urge residents to let the Hospital Authority know that the entrance design of the New Block is unacceptable. The New Block – which is described as Asia’s tallest hospital structure – must make sure vehicles exit Pok Fu Lam Road quickly and smoothly.
You can click here to join our petition to the Hospital Authority.