Following our campaign to speed up the implementation of electronic payment at tunnels, we have been informed that these facilities will be installed at seven government tunnels starting 2017, with Aberdeen Tunnel and Cross Harbour Tunnel early 2018; and the Eastern Harbour Crossing early 2019. We have now written separately to the private operator of the Western Tunnel Crossing asking them to commit to the provision of e-payment services. 我們上年發起聯署行動要求政府加快步伐於收費隧道安裝電子收費系統(例如八達通)。最近當局宣佈7條政府收費隧道將於今年起分階段提供電子收費服務:香港仔隧道及紅隧-2018年初;東隧-2019初。我已向西隧的營運商要求他們效仿政府做法盡快提供電子收費服務。 |
October 2023
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