In case there are concerns or need for repair, please contact the Highways Department which has replaced the broken mirror and taken on responsibility for repair.
上月颱風襲港,損毀了碧荔道及冠冕臺交界的路邊魚眼鏡。路政署願意承擔維修責任,今日更換了新的魚眼鏡。 Several traffic accidents caused by drivers arriving from (lower) Sha Wan Drive failing to give way to vehicles along Cyberport Road have been reported. Transport Department has now proposed to add “Stop” sign and road marking. See the drawing here. They are now conducting a public consultation, please feel free to let us know your comment before 14 October 2022: [email protected] . 早前沙灣徑數碼港道路發生多宗交通意外,主要原因為由(下)沙灣徑駛出路口的司機未有讓路給予數碼港道上斜的車輛。運輸署現建議將沙灣徑的路口由「讓」改為「停」,請按連結瀏覽圖則。署方現就計劃進行公眾諮詢,歡迎於2022年10月14日前將你的意見電郵給我們:[email protected] 。
[30 September 2022] HK Electric hope to finish stage 1 works by Q1 of 2023 and to finish the entire programme by 2024 (tentatively). 港燈預計第一期工程會於2023年第一季完成,他們希望於2024年完成整項工程。 [12 Jan 2022]
To follow up on an earlier report (link), we met with HK Electric engineers to learn about their programme to enhance power supply to the Pok Fu Lam area. The related road works are divided into various sections (link). They expect to finish the Sassoon Road section in February 2022. 繼早前報導後(連結),我們與港燈的工程師會面,以了解港燈改善區內供電網絡的計劃,他們會分階段進行掘路工程(連結)。沙宣道的一段會於下個月完成。 Improvement works have begun at the top of Sassoon Road. It involves re-alligning the island which would add a short flare lane, click here for the drawing. This scheme is approved by the Transport Department in relation to the potential increase in traffic arising from the Cyberport Expansion project and HKU Med's new building east of 3 Sassoon Road.
相關改善工程剛展開,主要為重整安全島及路面標記,以便於沙宣道頂提供多一條輔助車道,請按連結瀏覽圖則。運輸署批准這項改善措施,以應對數碼港擴建及港大醫學院沙宣道3號以東新大樓所產生的額外交通流。 We received many complaints from road users and public transport passengers over the school traffic in Pokfulam. With international schools resuming classes the commuting time during school peak hours has gone up by 15 minutes or more. Bus and minibus services suffer lost trips as they are stuck on the road. We have written to the Education Bureau, Planning Department, Transport Department asking them:
We have received requests from parents of West Island School for adequate shelters at the bus stops at Victoria Road. To assist, we created an online petition campaign where over 440 students/parents have signed. Transport Department is now reviewing the case. 我們收到多名西島中學的家長求助,他們希望域多利道近學校的巴士站能設有合適的避雨亭。我們建立了網上聯署信,以便他們直接提出訴求,暫時共有440名學生及家長參與聯署。運輸署現正跟進個案。
At least three traffic accidents at the junction of Cyberport Road and Sha Wan Drive have been reported in the last three months by residents. There appears to be a pattern whereby drivers arriving from (lower) Sha Wan Drive fail to give way to vehicles along Cyberport Road. Concerns have been expressed over sightlines and vehicle speeds. We are asking the Transport Department for improvements measures. Feel free to share your views and experience at this junction: [email protected]
根據居民提供的記錄及相片,最近三個月數碼港道沙灣徑路口最少發生三宗交通意外。相信當中成因包括由(下)沙灣徑駛出路口的司機未有讓路給予數碼港道上斜的車輛。有居民對該路段的車速及視野範圍表示關注。我們已要求運輸署研究改善方案。歡迎透過電郵:[email protected] 發表你對這個路口的意見或經歷。 Building works at 3 Sassoon Road is finishing up. This new HKU campus will be used by the School of Nursing and School of Chinese Medicine starting September 2022. There will be a footbridge connecting this building with the student halls on the opposite side of Sassoon Road. The works will require Sassoon Road to be closed at the top for 13 nights from June till September (midnight to 6am). The emergency services will be notified prior to the closure, and signage will be placed. Please use the diversions via Bisney Road, Mount Davis Road or Pok Fu Lam Road near the fire station, depending on your destination and location. Below is the tentative schedule when Sassoon Road will be closed at the top: Stage 1: From 28-6-2022 (00:01am - 6am) to 30-6-2022 (00:01am - 6am) Stage 2: From 11-7-2022 (00:01-6am) to 13-7-2022 (00:01-6am) Stage 3: From 19-7-2022 (00:01am - 6am) to 22-7-2022 (00:01am to 6am) *Stage 4: From 15-9-2022 (00:01am - 6am) to 16-9-2022 (00:01am to 6am) *Remarks: to be confirmed 香港大學於沙宣道3號的新大樓即將落成,主要用家為中醫藥學院及護理學院。該大樓設有行人橋連接至對面沙宣道的學生宿舍,相關接駁工程會於六月至九月進行,期間需要封閉沙宣道頂部十三晚(凌晨十二時至早上六時)。封閉道路前,承建商會沿途放置路牌及通知緊急服務車輛部門。視乎大家的目的地或出發地點,請改道使用碧荔道、摩星嶺道或薄扶林道近消防局。 以下是於沙宣道頂部封路時間表(暫定): 第一階段:2022年6月28日(00:01am - 6am)至6月30日(00:01am - 6am) 第二階段:2022年7月11日(00:01am - 6am)至7月13日(00:01am - 6am) 第三階段:2022年7月19日(00:01am - 6am)至7月22日(00:01am - 6am) 第四階段#:2022年9月15日(00:01am - 6am)至9月16日(00:01am - 6am) #有待確認 Schools are back and the rainy season is here. This at the same time as people returning to normal work schedules. The result is increased congestion and slower traffic. With increased risk of delays with minibus and bus services stuck in traffic, residents are urged to leave earlier than they were used. The situation will likely remain so until the international schools finish their school term mid-June onwards.
學校復課、雨季來臨及上班一族復工,區內道路於上下午時段出現擠塞,小巴及巴士的實際班次亦受到影響,請大家預留額外時間出門。相信情況會維持一個月,區內的國際學校會於六月中起放暑假。 |
October 2023
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