[Updated on 23 Apr 2021]
Following an accident at the zebra crossings outside Bel-Air Phase 1 & 2 early evening of 28 December we started a survey. There have been previous accidents and reported near misses. We have made improvements over the years. We conducted several site visits including with the Transport Department to identify the problems, to discuss the survey results here, and to discuss what we can do next under the Transport Planning and Design Manual. Our analysis is below. Email us at [email protected] with your comments. We hope to receive detailed options from Transport Department in a few weeks for further discussion.
2020年12月28日貝沙灣一二期對出斑馬線發生交通意外後,我們透過問卷調查收集大家的意見。這個位置過往亦曾有意外或危險情況出現,多年前進行了改善措施。我們與運輸署實地視察討論問題所在、問卷調查結果及於《運輸策劃及設計手冊》(TPDM)下可行的改善方案。以下是我們的分析,歡迎電郵我們:[email protected] 發表你的意見。我們希望於數星期內收到運輸署的方案以便再作討論。
2020年12月28日貝沙灣一二期對出斑馬線發生交通意外後,我們透過問卷調查收集大家的意見。這個位置過往亦曾有意外或危險情況出現,多年前進行了改善措施。我們與運輸署實地視察討論問題所在、問卷調查結果及於《運輸策劃及設計手冊》(TPDM)下可行的改善方案。以下是我們的分析,歡迎電郵我們:[email protected] 發表你的意見。我們希望於數星期內收到運輸署的方案以便再作討論。
The problem
The current crossing is split into two separate crossings by a traffic island. In Hong Kong it is only 'mandatory' for drivers to stop once someone has stepped onto a zebra crossing (Road Users' code Chapter 5). When you're are crossing the first lane, the vehicle travelling in the opposite direction does not have to stop until you stepped onto the second lane. This is scary as the traffic island is narrow, hardly wide enough for a child with scooter or a mother with a pram. Also, people rushing to the bus stop on the right may fail to stop and look left at the traffic island.
The current crossing is split into two separate crossings by a traffic island. In Hong Kong it is only 'mandatory' for drivers to stop once someone has stepped onto a zebra crossing (Road Users' code Chapter 5). When you're are crossing the first lane, the vehicle travelling in the opposite direction does not have to stop until you stepped onto the second lane. This is scary as the traffic island is narrow, hardly wide enough for a child with scooter or a mother with a pram. Also, people rushing to the bus stop on the right may fail to stop and look left at the traffic island.
Traffic lights Opinions are split 50/50. Half the respondents support pelican (push button operated) traffic lights. The other half prefer minor adjustments or no change. Most common reason given is dead waiting time for vehicles and pedestrians. 增設交通燈 居民意見一半一半,半數受訪者贊成增設按制式交通燈,另一半則認為不需要採取重大措施,主因為按制式交通燈將會令駕駛人士及行人作出不必要的等候。 |
One narrow crossing Removing the traffic island and narrowing the lanes would make this one crossing. Traffic in both directions would be required to stop when a pedestrian is anywhere on the crossing. It would require some learning for local drivers who are used to “sneaking through before a pedestrian reaches their lane”. This design is currently used in Sandy Bay Road (link). 一段式斑馬線 移除安全島及收窄路面會將斑馬線由兩段結合為一段。南行線及北行線的車輛均必須於有行人橫過斑馬線時停車。當然大家亦可預計始終有車輛會於行人未完全踏回行人路之前開車離開。鄰近的大口環道正在使用這種設計(見圖)。 |
Widen traffic island The third option identified during discussions this week is the widening of the traffic island. Whether we can add railings at the traffic island (no reference under existing rules) and improve lighting (measurements completed by Highways Department show that lighting meets prevailing standards) is still in doubt and requires more discussion. Additional police presence is unlikely. Raised speed table is not yet standard in Hong Kong. The Transport Department may recommend a cautionary crossing – removing the zebra when they widen the island. 擴闊安全島 這是今個星期商討改善方案時浮出的第三個方案。路政署已量度了街燈光度,量度符合現行標準,現時還在商討能否增強照明系統。運輸署亦需研究設計手冊能否容許他們於安全島增設攔杆以使行人過第二段馬路前向左望。暫時不宜過份樂觀。拱起的減速平台於香港仍在試驗階段,暫未能全面落實。至於加強執法的意見,警方資源有限,只能盡量。如能擴闊安全島,運輸署可能建議將斑馬線改為非行人優先的「行人輔助線」過路處。 |