Zebra crossings are wonderful in countries where they are respected. Where a driver stops when a pedestrian approaches the crossing. In Hong Kong, it appears we have given up on zebra crossings. They are sparsely used. As a result drivers don’t understand how to use them. The Transport Department prefers using cautionary crossings (“Look Left” or “Look Right” markings on the road) whereby the responsibility for crossing safely is entirely with the pedestrian.
Last night around 6:15pm, a pedestrian was hit and injured by a vehicle at the zebra crossing of Cyberport Road outside Bel-Air Phase 1&2. My heart goes out to everyone involved. We have spoken with the Police and Transport Department this morning about the accident.
This is not the first accident at this crossing. Improvements have been made. In 2014, we narrowed the carriageway, improved road markings and signages. The only improvement not yet made is a speed table, the raising of the crossing to force vehicles to slow and to improve visibility. This common design in other countries is part of a trial scheme in Shatin, but not yet approved for roll out.
Last night around 6:15pm, a pedestrian was hit and injured by a vehicle at the zebra crossing of Cyberport Road outside Bel-Air Phase 1&2. My heart goes out to everyone involved. We have spoken with the Police and Transport Department this morning about the accident.
This is not the first accident at this crossing. Improvements have been made. In 2014, we narrowed the carriageway, improved road markings and signages. The only improvement not yet made is a speed table, the raising of the crossing to force vehicles to slow and to improve visibility. This common design in other countries is part of a trial scheme in Shatin, but not yet approved for roll out.
In the past, residents did not favour traffic lights as this may impact traffic flow and they emit audible sounds. We suggested that the Transport Department increase lighting requirements for crossings by looking at examples from Europe. The response was that 'adequate lighting has been provided and there is no need to provide dedicated light to highlight pedestrian crossings'. I disagree.
We appear to run out of options. Either the crossing is upgraded to a push button (pelican) traffic light crossing, or downgraded to a ‘cautionary crossing’(example). The expectations and experience with zebra crossings varies, and that is where the danger lies.
We appear to run out of options. Either the crossing is upgraded to a push button (pelican) traffic light crossing, or downgraded to a ‘cautionary crossing’(example). The expectations and experience with zebra crossings varies, and that is where the danger lies.
以往居民對增加設交通燈有不同意見,有人擔心交通流受影響及交通燈的聲音於深夜時分變得明顯。我們早前向運輸署提出應仿效歐洲做法,於過路處增設專用照明系統,然而他們回應指「照明應已足夠,無需設置額外照明設施 」,我並不同意。
以往居民對增加設交通燈有不同意見,有人擔心交通流受影響及交通燈的聲音於深夜時分變得明顯。我們早前向運輸署提出應仿效歐洲做法,於過路處增設專用照明系統,然而他們回應指「照明應已足夠,無需設置額外照明設施 」,我並不同意。