To improve traffic along Cyberport Road near Bel-Air Phase 4 – 6, Transport Department will make the following changes:
- Lane markings will change to allow vehicles to overtake at bus stops on both sides. (yellow and blue lines)
- Vehicles will no longer wait behind buses and minibuses at the uphill bus stop. (left)
- The downhill minibus stop will stay as passengers wait here for 58 and 58M. Vehicles will not be able to overtake. This addresses comments received on the previous proposal.
- Buses will stop higher up the downhill lane and passengers will have to walk a little further to reach home.
- 容許上山方向的車輛爬越停站中的巴士及小巴(黃線)
- 因應居民於上一次諮詢時表示希望能於同一小巴站同時等待58及58M,落山方向的小巴站位置將維持不變,駕駛者需等待小巴上落客。
- 將落山方向巴士站向上移(紅線),乘客落車後需要行走的路程有輕微增加。 落山方向的車輛可爬越停站中的巴士(藍線)。