We received many complaints from road users and public transport passengers over the school traffic in Pokfulam. With international schools resuming classes the commuting time during school peak hours has gone up by 15 minutes or more. Bus and minibus services suffer lost trips as they are stuck on the road.
We have written to the Education Bureau, Planning Department, Transport Department asking them:
We have written to the Education Bureau, Planning Department, Transport Department asking them:
- To withdraw plans for the previously proposed international school in Sandy Bay (link in 2019)
- To come up with specific plan to alleviate school traffic in Pokfulam
- To review claims by traffic consultants that ‘proposed development would not cause significant traffic impacts to the surrounding roads and junctions’
- To review all planned and future developments in the Pokfulam area for impact on traffic
- 撤回於大口環增設一所國際學校的計劃(見2019年報導)
- 交代如何舒緩薄扶林的學校交通擠塞
- 檢視所有由交通顧問於交通影響評估報告中作出的聲明:「相關發展不會為鄰近道路及路口帶來顯著影響」
- 檢視區內所有計劃中及未來發展項目所帶來的交通影響