In response to the many complaints over estate agents posting unauthorised bills along our streets, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and the Estate Agents Authority have jointly visited estate agents in Cyberport and Lower Baguio, reminding them of the law. FEHD is undertaking a clean-up action. Residents can assist by removing these bills and notices when they appear. Before you do so, take a picture and send this to [email protected] . This recurring problem is not helped by the light penalty and the need to catch culprits red handed.
由於區內出現多宗區內地產經紀亂貼街招的投訴,食環署及地產代理監管局早前到訪數碼港商場及下碧瑤的地產公司,就相關法例提醒他們。食環署人員會繼續清理街招。如你見到街招,歡迎將相片電郵給我們:[email protected] 並移除這些街招。我最近的文章(連結)提到輕微的罰款及執法人員需當場票控疑犯實在不能阻嚇經紀亂貼街招的違法行為。
由於區內出現多宗區內地產經紀亂貼街招的投訴,食環署及地產代理監管局早前到訪數碼港商場及下碧瑤的地產公司,就相關法例提醒他們。食環署人員會繼續清理街招。如你見到街招,歡迎將相片電郵給我們:[email protected] 並移除這些街招。我最近的文章(連結)提到輕微的罰款及執法人員需當場票控疑犯實在不能阻嚇經紀亂貼街招的違法行為。