[Update on 30 Jan 2022]
We received a report from the Police and Government Laboratory with an update. It's been a year since 13 dogs fell ill and 8 dogs passed away within a short period (2021 report: link). The conclusion is that 'the deaths and sicknesses were not caused by any known unique drug, poison or toxin'.
[Update on 2 April 2021]
In a progress meeting with the investigating team from the Police, we learned that poisonous plants have been added to the list of possible suspects. Here is what we learned yesterday regarding the thorough investigation into the multiple suspected dog poisoning cases at Cyberport Waterfront Park this year.
Suspected poisoning in 2021 (as of 31 March 2021)
24 January 2021 - 1 dog passed away
7 February 2021 - 12 dogs (7 dogs passed away)
25 March 2021 - 1 dog passed away
Breathing difficulties, vomiting, cramp, high heartbeat rate and fever
Police actions
Unlike other dogs who played in a larger area of the park, Jerry's movements were confined to a small area. No suspected bait was found however an amount of plant materials were found in the stomach.
In a progress meeting with the investigating team from the Police, we learned that poisonous plants have been added to the list of possible suspects. Here is what we learned yesterday regarding the thorough investigation into the multiple suspected dog poisoning cases at Cyberport Waterfront Park this year.
Suspected poisoning in 2021 (as of 31 March 2021)
24 January 2021 - 1 dog passed away
7 February 2021 - 12 dogs (7 dogs passed away)
25 March 2021 - 1 dog passed away
Breathing difficulties, vomiting, cramp, high heartbeat rate and fever
Police actions
- Study of CCTV footage before and after the incidents
- Spoken with vet clinics, park users, dog owners, gardeners and Cyberport management
- Communicated with AFCD and Government Laboratory
- Sweeping the area concerned
- Monitoring social media
- Post mortem conducted on 5 dogs (out of the 9 dogs that passed away)
- Samples were taken from kidney, liver, blood and stomach content for toxicology examination
- Organs appear to be normal, no signs of physical injury nor visible poisonous substances
- Plant material was found inside the stomachs of several dogs (not all dogs), include a large quantity in the latest case
- Other than medicine used during resuscitation, no other specific findings
- No significant findings on the vomit collected
- No positive match of the suspicious additive with any common poison
- Absence of sulphur, heavy metals, asadin, isoniazid, rodenticide, and any of the pesticides used by Cyberport and Bel-Air
- Tests are ongoing
- Not all dog owners gave consent for post-mortems
- Not all vomit was not available for analysis
- Some walkers were unable to account for the exact whereabouts of their dog (and what they may have eaten) prior to signs of poisoning
Unlike other dogs who played in a larger area of the park, Jerry's movements were confined to a small area. No suspected bait was found however an amount of plant materials were found in the stomach.
Going forward Police will continue to pursue all leads and lines of inquiry, one of which will now include the possibility of plant species including lilies which are toxic for dogs. The analysis of plants will take time. See the image and the link below for toxic plants: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants?field_toxicity_value%5B%5D=01 As the lab is unable to confirm what the stuffed yellow substance in the luncheon meat was, we urged for additional tests to confirm whether the luncheon meat was poisonous. Note: Toxic plants is one of the leads, not a sole lead. |
- Keep your dogs on a tight leash and in sight
- Use a muzzle as far as practicable
- Stay away from the planters
- Should your dog show signs of poisoning, please preserve as much vomit as possible for analysis
- Please remind your helpers and friends of the above
- As the temperature goes up, be aware of heatstroke risks for your dog. Manage time and duration in the sun, and manage hydration well
- Cyberport may further enhance CCTV coverage. 13 temporary cameras have already been added since 7 February 2021
大部分個案的狗隻曾於海濱公園不同位置玩樂,相反Jerry當日的活動範圍細小,該處未有發現毒餌。驗屍過程中發現 Jerry 的胃部內有一定數量的植物殘渣。
- 檢視事發前及事發後的閉路電視片段
- 向獸醫診所、公園使用者、放狗人士、園丁及數碼港管理公司了解事件
- 與漁農自然護理署及政府化驗所密切聯繫
- 於現場搜證
- 監察各個社交平台的帖子
- 9隻已過身的狗隻中有5隻進行了驗屍工作
- 從腎臟、肝臟、血液及胃部的殘餘物抽取樣本以進行毒理化驗
- 器官情況正常,未有發現有毒物質,亦沒有受損害的跡象
- 在一些狗隻的胃部內發現有植物殘渣,尤其於最近一宗個案的狗隻內的發現數量相對較多
- 暫時未有其他發現(除了搶救狗隻時所用到的藥物)
- 嘔吐物:未有特別發現
- 化驗所為午餐肉內藏的黃色物質進行了一系列測試,對常用的毒藥測試結果呈現陰性
- 對硫磺、重金屬、砒霜、異煙肼、老鼠藥及數碼港和貝沙灣曾使用的殺蟲藥均呈現陰性
- 化驗所將繼續就午餐肉內藏的黃色物質進行測試
- 不是所有狗主都同意為狗隻驗屍
- 並非每位狗主都有保存嘔吐物以供化驗
- 有放狗人士未能就狗隻到訪的地方及曾進食的食物提供全面的資料
大部分個案的狗隻曾於海濱公園不同位置玩樂,相反Jerry當日的活動範圍細小,該處未有發現毒餌。驗屍過程中發現 Jerry 的胃部內有一定數量的植物殘渣。
繼續調查工作 重案組會繼續調查案件,積極跟進所有線索。現時其中一個調查方向為對狗隻有害植物的可能性,品種包括但不限於百合類。相關的植物分析需時。請瀏覽下列連結及圖表以了解對狗隻有害的植物品種: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants?field_toxicity_value%5B%5D=01 補充: 在一些狗隻的胃部內發現有植物殘渣,並非所有狗隻均出現這個情況。 對狗隻有害植物只是其中一個調查方向,並非唯一方向。 由於化驗所未能確定午餐肉內藏的黃色物質的成份,我們已促請他們繼續進行測試以確定午餐肉是否含有毒性。 |
- 放狗時密切留意狗隻,並透過短的狗繩控制狗隻的活動範圍
- 如可能性的話,盡量為狗隻佩戴口罩
- 避免狗隻走近花槽及草叢
- 如狗隻出現懷疑中毒症狀,請盡量保存嘔吐物
- 天氣炎熱期間,請注意狗隻中暑的風險,勤飲水及避免狗隻長時間暴曬
- 請提醒你的外傭及朋友注意以上事項
- 數碼港於2021年2月7日後已安裝了13個臨時閉路電視。可進一步研究擴闊覆蓋範圍的可行性
[Update on 26 March 2021]
New suspected dog poisoning
Jerry, a young male Dachshund, visited the waterfront park yesterday late afternoon wearing a mask most of the time except when playing fetch in the area between the Bel-Air houses and Cyberport 4. He showed symptoms of suspected poisoning last night after dinner including vomiting, shortage of breath and fever. He was taken to the vet and unfortunately passed away around 3am. Police and SPCA went to the park today for investigation. Cyberport has been notified. If you have information relating to the case, you may contact the Western District at 3660 6611 or 9824 1367 (24 hours).
昨日下午接近黃昏時段,一隻年輕雄性臘腸狗 Jerry 於海濱公園散步。除在貝沙灣獨立屋與數碼港4座之間的草地玩耍外,其餘時間均有戴上狗口罩。Jerry 回家進食晚餐後出現懷疑中毒症狀,包括嘔吐、氣促及發燒,同日晚上到獸醫求診並留院,最終於凌晨3時左右不幸過身。警察及愛護動物協會今日分別到現場進行調查,數碼港亦已得悉事件。如有任何與案件相關的資料提供,請聯絡西區警署:3660 6611 / 9824 1367 (24小時)。
New suspected dog poisoning
Jerry, a young male Dachshund, visited the waterfront park yesterday late afternoon wearing a mask most of the time except when playing fetch in the area between the Bel-Air houses and Cyberport 4. He showed symptoms of suspected poisoning last night after dinner including vomiting, shortage of breath and fever. He was taken to the vet and unfortunately passed away around 3am. Police and SPCA went to the park today for investigation. Cyberport has been notified. If you have information relating to the case, you may contact the Western District at 3660 6611 or 9824 1367 (24 hours).
昨日下午接近黃昏時段,一隻年輕雄性臘腸狗 Jerry 於海濱公園散步。除在貝沙灣獨立屋與數碼港4座之間的草地玩耍外,其餘時間均有戴上狗口罩。Jerry 回家進食晚餐後出現懷疑中毒症狀,包括嘔吐、氣促及發燒,同日晚上到獸醫求診並留院,最終於凌晨3時左右不幸過身。警察及愛護動物協會今日分別到現場進行調查,數碼港亦已得悉事件。如有任何與案件相關的資料提供,請聯絡西區警署:3660 6611 / 9824 1367 (24小時)。
[Update on 18 March 2021]
Following the tragic incidents earlier this year, Cyberport has stepped up various measures, including the installation of 13 temporary CCTVs, daily search by their security team, as well as first aid and dog behaviour training for their park staff.
This week we have again written to the Government Laboratory and the Police asking for an update on the toxicology and chemical analysis. We also asked for advice on how to deal with food left out for animals in and near the park.
Following the tragic incidents earlier this year, Cyberport has stepped up various measures, including the installation of 13 temporary CCTVs, daily search by their security team, as well as first aid and dog behaviour training for their park staff.
This week we have again written to the Government Laboratory and the Police asking for an update on the toxicology and chemical analysis. We also asked for advice on how to deal with food left out for animals in and near the park.
[Update on 22 Feb 2021]
Cyberport has provided information and samples of pesticides normally used to the Police, and the management has reviewed their records of dead stray animals and birds found in the park. There has been no abnormal pattern.
We have written to the Government Laboratory urging for expeditious testing of all the various materials collected expressing the anxiety in the community.
In the meantime, Cyberport has designated park wardens, enhanced cleansing and is putting up additional notices around the park entrances. We also thank the residents who have committed funds to the SPCA reward scheme. The reward for information leading to conviction of person(s) who left poisoned bait in Cyberport Waterfront Park leading to the death of 6 dogs and many more injured, is now HK$422,000.
與此同時,數碼港已設立了「Park Warden」小隊並加緊清潔。他們亦會於公園入口展示額外的橫額。我們感謝多名熱心人士參與愛護動物協會的懸紅計劃,懸紅金額已增至42萬2千元:任何人向愛協舉報因而令兇徒落網並被法庭定罪,可獲得全數或按比例分配的懸紅金額。
Cyberport has provided information and samples of pesticides normally used to the Police, and the management has reviewed their records of dead stray animals and birds found in the park. There has been no abnormal pattern.
We have written to the Government Laboratory urging for expeditious testing of all the various materials collected expressing the anxiety in the community.
In the meantime, Cyberport has designated park wardens, enhanced cleansing and is putting up additional notices around the park entrances. We also thank the residents who have committed funds to the SPCA reward scheme. The reward for information leading to conviction of person(s) who left poisoned bait in Cyberport Waterfront Park leading to the death of 6 dogs and many more injured, is now HK$422,000.
與此同時,數碼港已設立了「Park Warden」小隊並加緊清潔。他們亦會於公園入口展示額外的橫額。我們感謝多名熱心人士參與愛護動物協會的懸紅計劃,懸紅金額已增至42萬2千元:任何人向愛協舉報因而令兇徒落網並被法庭定罪,可獲得全數或按比例分配的懸紅金額。
[Update on 16 Feb 2021]
The SPCA reward has gone up from $100,000 to $422,000. Please click here for their reward notice.
愛護動物協會的懸紅已由$100,000 增加至 $422,000。請按連結瀏覽他們的懸賞通告。
The SPCA reward has gone up from $100,000 to $422,000. Please click here for their reward notice.
愛護動物協會的懸紅已由$100,000 增加至 $422,000。請按連結瀏覽他們的懸賞通告。
[Update on 11 Feb 2021]
In an online meeting which I chaired yesterday, the Police, Cyberport management, Bel-Air management and representatives of two park user groups discussed the latest situation and actions:
In an online meeting which I chaired yesterday, the Police, Cyberport management, Bel-Air management and representatives of two park user groups discussed the latest situation and actions:
- If your dog has shown signs of poisoning following a visit of the Cyberport Waterfront Park last Sunday, please report to the police at 3660 6611 or 9824 1367 (24 hours).
- Police reports show that 11 dogs were affected: 1 had minor symptoms, 2 are still with the vets, 3 have been discharged and 5 passed away.
- The investigation in progress includes autopsy, lab tests of food and environmental samples recovered, analyses of CCTV footage and reports of relevant prior incidents.
- Until otherwise confirmed, poisoning from environmental causes other than spiked food cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the Police advises to muzzle dogs and to keep them under control and away from the bush.
- Cyberport has installed additional CCTVs to cover the focus area on a temporary basis and more will be considered.
- Cyberport has increased the number of security guards and improved cleansing frequency. A park user group will be established to assist park management.
- Rewards for information that may lead to resolving the dog poisoning are organised via the SPCA. We expect donations of at least HK$200,000 to be available. The reward notices will be posted at the park and online.
- If you have information related to the poisoning or have picked up suspicious bait in the area, please call the police hotline at 3660 6611 or 9824 1367 (24 hours). You can also contact the Cyberport park wardens for assistance or call the Cyberport hotline: 3166 3111. Note the SPCA hotline: 2711 1000.
- 如你的狗隻於上星期日到訪數碼港海海濱公園後出現懷疑中毒症狀,請與警方聯絡:3660 6611 或 9824 1367(24小時熱線)。
- 警方資料顯示暫時有11隻狗隻受影響:1隻只出現輕微症狀、2隻仍在留院中、3隻已出院、5隻已過身。
- 調查工作正在進行中,範圍包括驗屍、食物樣本及環境樣本的毒理化驗、檢視閉路電視片段及過往曾發生的事件等。
- 由於仍在等待化驗報告,暫時未能排除環境因素導致中毒的可能性。警方建議放狗人士暫時為所有狗隻帶上狗帶及口罩,適當控制狗隻並避免走近草叢或花叢。
- 數碼港已安裝了多個臨時性質的閉路電視覆蓋事發地段,並會考慮增添其數目。
- 數碼港已加強人手巡邏及進行清潔工作。現正研究成立公園使用者聯絡小組就公園管理事宜提出意見。
- 如有興趣參與懸紅計劃,請聯絡愛護動物協會。據我們所知已有多位人士願意出資懸紅,金額相信會最少達至20萬元。懸紅的告示會張貼於公園範圍及網站上。
- 如有任何與案件相關的資料提供或發現懷疑是毒餌的食物,請聯絡警方:3660 6611 / 9824 1367 (24小時)。你亦可聯絡公園的管理人員:3166 3111。愛護動物協會的熱線為 2711 1000。
[8 February 2021]
Police is investigating what appears to be poisoning cases. Yesterday we received news that one dog died following a park visit. We have since received information that possibly three more dogs perished. Another dog is recuperating as the handler was able to retrieve apparent spiked luncheon meat picked up in the park before it was swallowed. We urge all dog owners and handlers to be on the highest alert. Look for and remove any and all edible items (check edges of bushes). Keep an eye out for suspicious items and behaviour. Do-gooders who leave food for stray animals should stop doing so. We are communicating with SPCA, Cyberport and Police on investigations and measures.
警察現正就多宗個案展開調查。昨日早上一隻狗隻於數碼港海濱公園放狗後回家出現不適,懷疑中毒,同日不幸去世。據我們了解,昨日至今更有另外三隻狗隻懷疑因中毒而身亡,亦有狗主及時阻止狗隻進食一塊懷疑是毒餌的午餐肉。我們呼籲所有狗主及放狗人士提高警覺,注意在途中尤其是草叢邊的食物,請把它棄置到垃圾桶 ,同時懇請餵飼流浪貓狗的人士切勿留低食物。我們已與愛護動物協會、數碼港及警方聯絡商討可行措施及跟進調查進展。
Police is investigating what appears to be poisoning cases. Yesterday we received news that one dog died following a park visit. We have since received information that possibly three more dogs perished. Another dog is recuperating as the handler was able to retrieve apparent spiked luncheon meat picked up in the park before it was swallowed. We urge all dog owners and handlers to be on the highest alert. Look for and remove any and all edible items (check edges of bushes). Keep an eye out for suspicious items and behaviour. Do-gooders who leave food for stray animals should stop doing so. We are communicating with SPCA, Cyberport and Police on investigations and measures.
警察現正就多宗個案展開調查。昨日早上一隻狗隻於數碼港海濱公園放狗後回家出現不適,懷疑中毒,同日不幸去世。據我們了解,昨日至今更有另外三隻狗隻懷疑因中毒而身亡,亦有狗主及時阻止狗隻進食一塊懷疑是毒餌的午餐肉。我們呼籲所有狗主及放狗人士提高警覺,注意在途中尤其是草叢邊的食物,請把它棄置到垃圾桶 ,同時懇請餵飼流浪貓狗的人士切勿留低食物。我們已與愛護動物協會、數碼港及警方聯絡商討可行措施及跟進調查進展。