In July 2020, three healthy dogs died separately on consecutive days after their walk (click here for the coverage). The Police investigation team have followed various lines of enquiries including forensic examination of the dogs, study of chemicals in food seized along the routes, collected data on weather conditions, and conducted interviews with dog walkers. A person who left food out was approached. No evidence has been found confirming that the dogs were poisoned though. There was some inconclusive evidence indicating a possible heat stroke for one of the dogs involved.
The Police and SPCA have taken the incidents and reports serious, and followed up thoroughly. The Police will continue to pursue the cases in consultation with the experts of other Government Departments. For now it appears bad luck. We have had no reports of incidents since.
Lessons learned:
The Police and SPCA have taken the incidents and reports serious, and followed up thoroughly. The Police will continue to pursue the cases in consultation with the experts of other Government Departments. For now it appears bad luck. We have had no reports of incidents since.
Lessons learned:
- Stop people from leaving food out
- Be careful with long dog walks during hot and humid summer days
- Do report to 999 immediately when there are signs of poisoning
- 不要將食物放在地上
- 炎熱日子期間放狗時請額外小心,並盡量縮短時間
- 如有懷疑狗隻中毒,請馬上致電999
Three healthy young dogs died separately on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, after their walk. They had seizures and died quickly, before they could be taken to the vets.
Today, we accompanied two residents to file report with the police regarding suspicious bags of dog and cat food found along Victoria Road. The Police has started a preliminary investigation and is making arrangements with the concerned dog owners for autopsy.
A resident also found bags of rat poison on slopes near Sassoon Road. They were not issued by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
We hope it's all just all very bad coincidence. Nonetheless, keep an eye out for suspicious food left in public areas. If found, take a picture, note the location (road, nearest lamp post) and take it away. Contact our office [email protected] to agree on next steps.
I note that Cyberport have been advised of the latest situation and asked them also to keep an eye out for suspicious food items.
In the meantime, make sure your dog does not eat suspicious items. In case your dog develops health troubles after a walk, please visit your vet, or SPCA immediately. Let us know in case the vet confirms the dog was poisoned. In case the dog can’t be rescued, call 999. The police will engage the SPCA for collection and investigation.
我希望今次事件純屬巧合。然而請大家留意公共地方上的可疑食物,如有發現,請把它移除,並將相片及具體位置電郵給我們:[email protected] 以商討如何處理物件。
Three healthy young dogs died separately on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, after their walk. They had seizures and died quickly, before they could be taken to the vets.
Today, we accompanied two residents to file report with the police regarding suspicious bags of dog and cat food found along Victoria Road. The Police has started a preliminary investigation and is making arrangements with the concerned dog owners for autopsy.
A resident also found bags of rat poison on slopes near Sassoon Road. They were not issued by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
We hope it's all just all very bad coincidence. Nonetheless, keep an eye out for suspicious food left in public areas. If found, take a picture, note the location (road, nearest lamp post) and take it away. Contact our office [email protected] to agree on next steps.
I note that Cyberport have been advised of the latest situation and asked them also to keep an eye out for suspicious food items.
In the meantime, make sure your dog does not eat suspicious items. In case your dog develops health troubles after a walk, please visit your vet, or SPCA immediately. Let us know in case the vet confirms the dog was poisoned. In case the dog can’t be rescued, call 999. The police will engage the SPCA for collection and investigation.
我希望今次事件純屬巧合。然而請大家留意公共地方上的可疑食物,如有發現,請把它移除,並將相片及具體位置電郵給我們:[email protected] 以商討如何處理物件。