有貝沙灣居民投訴於深夜時段受到瀑布灣燒烤場的噪音滋擾。我們與康文署於凌晨時份進行了實地視察,提出了一些針對燒烤場設計及管理問題的解決方案。署方現正進行研究,亦於早前增聘了一名夜更管理員。如有任何意見或受到噪音滋擾,歡迎聯絡我們:[email protected] 或致電 9096-3070。
Responding to complaints from Bel-Air residents over noise from late night revelers at the Waterfall Bay BBQ area we conducted midnight visits. The responsible government department, LCSD, is now studying proposed design and management measures, and has hired a night shift guard. Report your concerns to us via [email protected] or 9096 3070.
Responding to complaints from Bel-Air residents over noise from late night revelers at the Waterfall Bay BBQ area we conducted midnight visits. The responsible government department, LCSD, is now studying proposed design and management measures, and has hired a night shift guard. Report your concerns to us via [email protected] or 9096 3070.