區議會採購了一批口罩供3至6歲數的兒童使用,規格為7cm x 12cm,BFE及PFE達99%。如有需要,請電郵我們:[email protected]。我們會將剩餘的口罩發放給有需要的學校及機構。成人口罩方面,由於上一批口罩尚有存貨,我們已將今批預留給薄扶林區的配額轉贈給華富,同時有需要人士亦可聯絡我們查詢索取。
The District Council has procured kids' mask suitable for children aged 3-6. Please feel free to contact us ([email protected]) if you require any. The remainder will be offered to schools and organisations in need. Adult masks allocated to Pokfulam have been distributed in Wah Fu. We have a small stock remaining for those in need. (Kids’ masks: 12cm x 7cm, BFE:99% and PFE:99%, packs of 10).
區議會採購了一批口罩供3至6歲數的兒童使用,規格為7cm x 12cm,BFE及PFE達99%。如有需要,請電郵我們:[email protected]。我們會將剩餘的口罩發放給有需要的學校及機構。成人口罩方面,由於上一批口罩尚有存貨,我們已將今批預留給薄扶林區的配額轉贈給華富,同時有需要人士亦可聯絡我們查詢索取。 We thank the residents for supporting the charity raffle held by The Society For The Relief Of Disabled Children (SRDC) at Sandy Bay. Funds raised will be applied to the prevention of curve deterioration in scoliosis. You may click here for the draw details. If you missed this chance to support the cause, please consider their catalogue here for Christmas cards and gifts. Proceeds are used to support their operations. 我們感謝居民早前購買香港弱能兒童護助會的慈善獎券,善款將會用作資助預防早期脊柱側彎惡化。請按連結瀏覽得獎名單。如希望支持護助會的營運,你可以考慮訂購他們的賀咭及禮品,請按連結瀏覽他們今年的目錄 。 |
August 2023