Young artists from the schools in Pokfulam are exhibiting their works for the enjoyment by the community.
Exhibition dates: 4 June 2016 - 13 June 2016
Venue: Exhibition Gallery, Cyberport 3, L3, Core C
Admission Free
Opening Ceremony: 4 June 2016, Saturday, 11am
Light Refreshment available
The event is organised by West Island School students and sponsored by Cyberport and 168 Gallery.
今年的薄扶林藝術展主題為<Light Up The Dark>。屆時將會展出區內多間學校年輕藝術家的作品。
歡迎在6月4日至13日期間於數碼港3座L3 Core C Exhibition Gallery欣賞作品,費用全免。大家亦可出席6月4日上午11時的開幕儀式,屆時會有飲品及小食供大家享用。
藝術展由西島中學的學生負責籌辦。贊助機構為數碼港及168 Gallery。