- Minibus 8 will be limited to three morning departures at 7:40am, 8:20am and 8:40am from Monday to Friday.
- 8X will continue, with frequency improving from 10-20 minutes to 10-15 minutes, and 10-12 minutes to 10 minutes during evening peak. The first 8X bus will depart at 6:30am instead of 7:10am.
- Passengers for Bonham Road and Caine Road can use 8X and interchange to minibus 10 and 31 at HKU MTR with a fare concession: 90 cents for the onward journey on minibus 10 or 31 (total fare of $8.50 + $0.90 = $9.40).
- Returning passengers may take minibus 10 and 31 along Caine Road and Bonham Road and interchange to 8X at HKU MTR station at NIL cost for the onward journey (total fare of $8.0).
Transport Department Link:
- 8號小巴的班次將會縮減至星期一至星期五早上三班服務:上午7時40分、上午8時20分及上午8時40分
- 8X 將會繼續提供服務,其班次將會由現時每10-20分鐘一班增強至每10-15分鐘一班,而下午繁忙時段的班次將會由現時每10-12分鐘一班增強至每10分鐘一班。另外,8X的頭班車會由早上7時10分提前至早上6時30分開出。
- 營運商會提供轉乘優惠,由下碧瑤往般含道或堅道的乘客可乘坐8X到港大站($8.50)轉乘10號或31號小巴($0.90)前往目的地。總車資為$9.40。
- 如從堅道或般含道前往碧瑤灣,乘客可乘坐10號或31號到港大站,然後轉乘8X。由於第一程的車資為$8正,第二程(8X)將不需繳付任何車資。